Live Certification


trainer live certification

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For sports professionals

2 day live calisthenics certification

Our 2 Day Live Calisthenics Certification Course combined with a short Course Of Calisthenics Theory Online studies are designed to provide existing sports professionals with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in calisthenics training.

Whether you are a personal trainer, coach, or physical instructor, this course will equip you with the expertise to incorporate bodyweight exercises and functional movements into your training programs effectively. With a focus on safety, form, and progression, this certification will enhance your ability to optimise performance and results for your clients or athletes.

Price of the course varies. Contact your nearest certification center to find out!




You’ll Gain


You’ll Need


You’ll Need


You’ll Gain

Perfect for professionals

with sports education

Applicants should have a foundation in sports education or a related field. This can include:


how it works

1 Apply

Find the nearest 2-Day Live Certification course. Contact the organizer, apply for the course and make the payment.

2 Prepare

Receives access to WSWCF Academy online study platform with marked obligatory calisthenics theory lessons. Based on these obligatory calisthenics theory lessons, you will be required to pass the exam on the same platform. You can study these lessons either before or after the 2-day live certification course.

3 Attend live course

Attend and complete the 2-Day Live Certification Course at your chosen certification center.

4 Pass online exam

After completing the 2-day live certification course, you must pass the obligatory theory quiz exam on the WSWCF Academy online platform:

  • 60 questions based on the Obligate Theory study materials and the content covered during the 2-Day Live course.
  • Can be taken online any time following the 2-Day Live Course.
  • If you fail the exam, you have the opportunity to retake it once a week in order to review any mistakes made.

5 Receive certificate

Receive a digitally verifiable WSWCF Academy Certificate as a Calisthenics and Street Workout Trainer and unlimited access to the WSWCF Academy study material database.
Verified by World Street Workout and Calisthenics Federation
Your certificate, photo and contact information will be published in WSWCF and WSWCF Academy Certified Trainer online database, allowing anyone to validate your certificate and easily contact you.

Course plan

Day plan and structure is approximate.

Day 1 

Calisthenics foundations


Theoretical part:

  • Introduction to Calisthenics: Understanding the principles, history, and benefits of calisthenics as a form of bodyweight training.
  • Introduction to calisthenics sports competition types.

Fundamental Exercises: Mastering essential calisthenics movements, including Pull-ups, dips, push-ups, squats, lunges, and other calisthenics exercises with proper form and technique.

Exercises for different muscle groups or how to imitate different fitness exercises with calisthenics exercises and make them more complex.


Injury Prevention: Identifying common injury risks and strategies for injury prevention in calisthenics training.

Mobility and Flexibility: Understanding the importance of mobility training and incorporating flexibility exercises into calisthenics routines.

Skill Progressions: Exploring progressions for advanced calisthenics skills, such as muscle-ups, and handstands.

Day 2

Advanced techniques


Theoretical part: Training tools used in calisthenics (parallettes, resistance bands, weight vests, wrist wraps).

Leveraging Bodyweight: Exploring leverage and body positioning for more challenging calisthenics movements, including elbow front and back lever, dragon flag, and human flag progressions.


Partner and Group Exercises: Incorporating partner and group-based calisthenics exercises for dynamic and engaging workouts.

Dynamic Freestyle Fundamentals: Introduction to calisthenics dynamic skills like 180° and 360°.

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